Edit Game
Review Unit 1 - 2 - 3

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Reorder the sentence: he / yet? / any / has / money / saved
Has he saved any money yet?
Reorder the sentence: arrived / our visitors / have / just
Our visitors have just arrived
Reorder the sentence: already/ I've / money / all / spent / my
I've already spent all my money
Create a question for this answer: Yes, I go to the gym everyday.
Do you go to the gym?
Create a question for this answer: I like rock music.
What kind of music do you like?
Create a question for this answer: I PAID $500 FOR MY CAR.
How much did you pay for your car?
(Complete with PRESENT PERFECT) She _________ (help) me several times - she's very kind.
She has helped....
(Complete with PRESENT PERFECT) I ____________ (never/sing) in front of a large group of people - and I never want to!
I have never sang ...
(Complete with PRESENT PERFECT) She _____________ (live) in lots of different countries.
She has lived...
Choose the correct verbs.
I was doing some cleaning when I heard the news on the radio
Complete the sentences with past simple AND past continuous
When I was walking down the street, I found ten pounds.
(Complete the sentence using past simple of ARRIVE) My bags ___________ on time at the airport. I was very happy!
My bags arrived on time....
(Complete the sentence using past simple of SPEND) I ___________ a lot of money. It was so cheap!
I didn't spend a lot of money. It was so cheap!
(Create the question in PAST SIMPLE)
Were the people friendly?
(Create the question in PAST SIMPLE)
When did your bags arrive?
(Choose the correct verb) My grandparents hardly ever visit / are hardly ever visiting because they live in Australia.
hardly ever visit
(Choose the correct verb) She normally goes / She's normally going to the cinema on Tuesday nights.
She normally goes...
(Choose the correct verb) I eat / I'm eating my lunch at the moment.
I'm eating
Choose the correct number and letter
Choose the correct number and letter.
Correct the mistake in the picture
Who did you meet ....
(Create a question using IS) It cold today?
Is it cold today?
(Create a question using DO) You go to the gym ?
Do you go to the gym?
(Create a question using WAS) What the food like in India?
What was the food like in India?
(Tourism vocabulary) We did some s______________g. The gardens and castles were beautiful!
(Tourism vocabulary) We booked all of our a____________n online.
(Adjectives) The music is htiarlg, I think it could be better
(Adjectives) The room looks angimzai! I like the new colors of it!
(Adjectives) What a nigrbo game! I want to play another game!