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Copyright and Plagiarism Paired Passages

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In text #1, what is the author trying to suggest to the reader in the last paragraph?
It's important to know copyright laws and respect creators.
You should learn more about why Napster was sued.
You should give your friend permission to use others' work.
In text #2, what point is the author trying to make in the last paragraph?
It's important to avoid plagiarism, so always cite sources.
It's okay to use other's ideas for your own.
It's not always necessary to cite your sources.
In text #1, what information in the article supports the fact that sometimes you can use creative works in school without asking for permission?
You can use the policy as long as all rules are followed.
You don't have to ask for school and education.
It's okay to copy and paste.
In text #2, what does it mean to cite your sources?
This means you give credit to those who gave you your ideas.
It means to look for sources that are copyright free.
It means to ask permission before you use them.
Based on the information from both passages, how can students safely use information and images without having to ask for permission?
Look for images under Creative commons or public domain.
Only use images found in a Google search.
All information is safe with a citation.
What can the reader conclude about copyright infringement and plagiarism after reading both passages?
They are both illegal, and you can get in big trouble.
There are different policies creators can use.
Look for images to use carefully.
In paragraphs 1 & 2 of text #2, what does the word plagiarism mean?
Copying someone else's work and presenting it as your own.
Illegally downloading songs
Using copyright free images
In paragraph 2 of text #1, why does the author say that it's not fair to use someone else's work without permission?
Creators work hard and spend a lot of time perfecting their
You should take advantage of fair use instead.
There are different copyright policies that creators use.
According to text #1, why was Napster sued by record companies and forced to shut down?
Napster broke copyright laws by allowing free downloads.
Napster was sharing music and charging a fee.
Napster had failed to show up in court.
Copying someone else's work and using it as your own is an example of ______________________ behavior.
A policy that permits teachers and students to "borrow" parts of an original work without permissions is called _______________________.
fair use
Images labeled as ___________________ belong to all people and are safe to use.
public domain
___________________ provides a helpful means of protecting original content.
Anything someone writes or creates is considered to be their own _________________.
intellectual property
Copyright and pasting online information to use as a science report is an example of ____________________.
To avoid the harsh penalties of copyright ____________, always use your own work or ask permission from the owner.
A _______________ shows readers where specific information came from while conducting research or writing a paper.