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Mixed Conditional Past perfect + Would

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If I ______________ (be) more careful, I _______________(have) this injury.
If I had been more careful, I wouldn't have this injury.
If I ______________(practice) more as a kid, I ____________(be) better at guitar now.
If I had practiced more as a kid, I would be better at guitar now
His wife _______________ (be) happier if he ________________ (buy) the birthday card.
His wife would be happier if he had bought the birthday card.
If he ________________ (be) more organized, he _____________ (be) at the concert now.
If he had been more organized, he would be at the concert now.
Create your own sentence
Why is the mixed conditional that we've seen today used?
Past perfect + Would + infinitive Past action  present result Past event and its present result.
If Betis ______________ (score) another goal, we _______________ (be) so nervous for the last 5 minutes.
If Betis had scored another goal, we wouldn't be so nervous for the last 5 minutes.
If I ______________(took) an aspirin, ____________(have) a headache now.
If I had taken an aspirin, I wouldn't have a headache now.
Create your own sentence
I ________________(be) a millionaire now if I _________________(take) that job.
I would be a millionaire now if I had taken that job.
If you_____________(caught) that plane you _____________ (be) dead now.
If you had caught that plane you would be dead now.
Create your own sentence
If Mark __________(got) the job instead of Joe, he ___________ (be)moving to Shanghai.
If Mark had gotten the job instead of Joe, he would be moving to Shanghai.
If she _______________ (sign up) for the ski trip last week, she __________ (be) joining us tomorrow.
If she had signed up for the ski trip last week, she would be joining us tomorrow.