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Word Parts (Affixes)

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does the prefix "in-" mean? HINT: there are two meanings. Provide a word using this prefix
In means "in" or "not". Example: incomplete
What is the meaning of the prefix "dis-"? Provide an example of a word using this prefix.
"Dis-" means "opposite of " or "not"
Given the prefix "anti-", provide a word using this prefix.
Example: He is not antisocial, he's just shy.
The word "defrosted" only has a prefix and a root word. True or False?
False! The word defrosted also has a suffix "-ed". "Ed-" means "in the past".
What is the meaning of the suffix "-ology" like in the word "mythology"?
"-ology" means the study of.
A prefix is a word part attached to
The beginning of a word
The end of a word
The middle of a word
A suffix is a word part attached to -
The end of the word
The beginning of the word
The middle of the word
What is the meaning of the word pregame?
Before the game
After the game
Without the game
Identify each word part and it's meaning in the word "submarine".
"Sub" is the prefix and it means under. Marine is the root word and it means "sea".
True or false? The root word in the word "misspell" is "mis-"?
False! The root word is "spell".
The prefix "multi-" means "many". Using the picture of Spongebob, provide a word that has this prefix and put it into a sentence.
Example: Spongebob is multitasking several chores at once.
What is the prefix in the word "illegal"? What does it mean?
The prefix is "il-". It means "not"
True or false? The root word in the word "irresponsible" is responsible.
True! Provide a definition of the word "irresponsible"
True or false? The word part "un-" is a prefix
True! Now, give an example of a word using the prefix "un-"