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Do you like comics?
What superheroe had a comic book, TV miniseries, and a movie created after them?
Teenage mutant ninja turtle
What problems do the Xmen have?
dating and fitting in
What age are most comic book heroes that have been created in the 20th century?
How were superman and incredible hulk different from the superheroes in 1897?
they had human problems and did not always enjoy their super powers
Name two other superheroes that were created in 1060.
Spider Man and Incredible Hulk
What did creating flash in 1960's do to the comic book industry?
he increased the selling of comics once again
Which comic hero was created in teh 1960's?
Why did comic book publishers go out of business in the 1950's?
because of the comic code authority
What was the comic code Authority?
it placed firm regulations on the types of stories and art that could be publised.
In the 1950"s what did the senate do?
reviewed the content of comic
After WWII comic book sales went up with the creation of what type of comic?
Horror comic, Women outlaw...
Did people buy comics during the war or did it decrease?
How did the comics changed when America went to war?
The heroes became American soldiers and spies
In 1941, what happened in America?
name three other superhero comic
Wonder Woman, Batman, Captain marvel...
Who was the first comic book superhero?
What was the first comic book called?
Yellow kid
How much were comics sold for in 1897?
what year was the first comic created?