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Adult Inside Out

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are you going to do in the summer?
I'm going to.....
Have you ever drunk cider?
Yes I have / No I haven't
Have you ever travelled to Asia?
Yes I have / No I haven't
Have you ever eaten insects?
Yes I have / No I haven't
Have you ever been to the UK?
Yes I have / No I haven't
There aren't many / much apples in the fridge
aren't many (countable)
Name 3 food beginning with 'c'
cake, cherries, cheese, chips
Pronounce this word correctly: laughing
I isn't going to travel this summer - correct this sentence
I 'm not going to travel...
Which is correct: We is going to study or We are going to study
What are you going to do after English?
depends on student
Ask Gill about her plans for the weekend using 'going to'
What are you going to do at the weekend?
apagar in English?
switch off
Let's/ shall we watch TV tonight?
Who wants to be a Millionaire is a.....
game show
Spell 'documental' in English
What type of programme is Big Brother?
Reality TV Show
What is English for 'egoista'?
What is English for 'testaduro', 'terco'
What is English for 'timido'?
Name 2 vegetables beginning with c
carrots, cauliflower
What is English for 'lunares'
What are you wearing?
list of clothes
Raquel has c________ hair
Puri is (young) that Gill
Jose Maria is the (old) person in the class
Russia is the (big) country in the world
Name 5 things in your kitchen (not food or drink)
washing machine, fridge, sink, cooker, knife, plate...
What does sensible mean?
Don't do silly things, common sense
What does confident mean?
self esteem, sure of self
Make care into an adverb. For example, I do my homework c.........
Can you speak French?
Yes I can, No I can't
How did you feel yesterday?
happy, stressed....
When were you frightened?
eh hospital, spider...
What is sailing?
navegar. en barco
Past tense? I do my homework
I did my homework
How do you write the 8th month?
The opposite of open
How do you spell today's day? (eg Sunday)
What time do you usually go to bed?
About 11:30
What time did you get up today?
for example, 7 o'clock
What is 13 + 36?
forty nine
What time is it?
depends on the time
Does your teacher like football?
No she doesn't
Answer: Do you like singing?
Yes I do / No I don't
I like ________________. Today I made tortilla.
She ________ sport every day. Today she went swimming.
does / plays
My mother _________ in a bank, she is the manager.
past tense of go
Past tense of eat
Your sister's daughter is your .....
Your mother's brother is your....
There aren't _______ apples in the shop
any / many / a lot of
There isn't _______ milk in the fridge
much / any / a lot of
What is the opposite of beautiful
What is the opposite of tall?
Name 2 jobs beginning with d
designer, doctor, dentist
Name 2 jobs beginning with 't'
teacher, taxi driver, train driver...
Caroline loves eating. ________favourite food is salmorejo
Simon is a tall man. ._______ hair is black.
Where are you from?
eg I'm from Spain, Cordoba.....
What nationality is your teacher?
English or British
What word is the teacher spelling?
Teacher spells a word 2 times
What is the phone number your teacher is telling you?
teacher gives phone number
Listen to the number your teacher gives you. Write it down and repeat
teacher chooses a number
Spell your surname (use English alphabet)
student's surname
sbtruoothh - organise the letters to make an object
chatw - organise the letters to make an object