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RE Day 2 Review

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Which of the dwelling types would qualify for roof leak protection?
Single Family Homes. Plex Properties.
How many days post close do we allow a buyer to place a work order without funding verification?
21 days
What criteria must be met by the seller to qualify for listing (seller’s) coverage?
Must have RE Agent and actively listed on RE market
Is HSA available in each of the following states: NH, IN, HI, MI?
Yes for New Hampshire and Michigan. No for Hawaii and Indiana.
Before listing coverage can be extended what 2 situations would prevent you from honoring an extension?
If the customer has received $500 in claims. If the customer has had 3 or more work orders.
How long is listing/seller's coverage initially set up for?
6 months
The Electronics Protection by Allstate will cover up to ________ aggregately each contract term.
AHS will pay up to ___ per pound per occurrence for refrigerant for the ShieldEssential and ShieldPlus plan. Customer is responsible for payment of any costs in excess of ___ per pound.
The covered states of CA, AZ, NV, and TX will now have a trade service fee of ____.
True or False: AHS will cover the Water Softener as an additional option.
False, this option is only covered through HSA.
True or False: AHS Roof Leaks protection has a coverage limit up to $2000 per contract term.
False, $1500 per contract term.
Well pumps have a coverage limit of $_______ while Sewage Ejector pumps (Septic) has a coverage limit of $______.
Well Pump - 1500, Septic - 500
The new ShieldComplete coverage has increased the appliance limit to:
Roof Leak Repairs are now included in which of the Real Estate Products?
HSA agreements cover up to $________ per trade per contract term.
Which AHS Real Estate plan covers failures due to improper installation, repair or modifications?
Shield Assurances - All of Them
List the plans offered under the Real Estate sales channel.
ShieldEssential, ShieldPlus, ShieldComplete (Extra Credit: Basic Coverage plan for HSA)
The Buyer has ___ days after closing to upgrade package and/or add options.
The NEW ShieldComplete coverage will now provide one free ____________________.
Rekey Service
The NEW ShieldEssential plan has added coverage on Garage Door Openers, Ceiling Fans, Exhaust Fans, and _________.