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J3 Review

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Nominalizing sentences is always a good thing to do because it makes them more polite. (True or False?))
False -- It can make a question sound accusatory (as if you suspect wrong-doing or bad intention)
じこしょうかい させて いただきたい と 思います = "I think that I want to be forced to introduce myself." (True or False?)
False -- Because させる is also used for "allow."
なっとう を たべさせる = ?
To make someone eat nattou
Sometimes considered feminine, this is used at the end of casual questions. It can also be used to add emphasis to a statement.
Use this to say, "a ridiculous story" or "an outrageous price."
Use this to avoid giving a specific reason or explanation for your actions, thoughts or feelings..
Use this to ask, "What does the letter say"?
かいて ある
つく = to arrive / How do you say, "I just arrived"?
いま ついた ところ です。
I have decided to stop smoking. = タバコ  を  やめる…
こと  に  しました。
Use this to talk about establishing a self-imposed rule or routine.
に する
Use this to talk about making a choice.
に する / こと に する
”I have not yet decided." + ?
まだ きめて ない。
Use this to talk about making a decision.
"I'm not sure IF I can go to the party tonight" would use this in it's Japanese translation.
When someone is considering doing something or wondering what may happen, they are likely to say a sentence ending with this word.
かな or かしら
The phrase, "I was just about to ...," uses this word.