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James and the Giant Peach
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Where are Old Green Grasshopper's ears? p.88
on his tummy
How many seagulls were needed to lift the peach out of the water?
True or False; The insects enjoy the taste of the peach!
What problem does Earthworm have on p. 61
That he has no problem!
What two insects argue the most with one another?
Insect and Centipede
p. 49 What does Roald Dahl compared the flattened Aunt's to?
a couple of paper dolls cut out of a picture book
p. 39 Who made James's bed the first night in the peach?
Miss Spider
True or False: Centipede is embarrassed to be called a pest. p.37
p. 23 How was the skin of the peach described?
rich buttery yellow with patches of pink and red
p. 16 Was it Aunt Sponge or Spiker who saw the peach growing first?
Why did the peach grow to be so big?
The green magic things spilled into the soil and made it grow!
p. 11 What "peculiar" thing happened to James on this page?
He was given tiny green things that looked like chrystals by a small old man in a green suit.
On p. 2, James's room is compared to what?
a prison cell
What happened to James's parents?
They were eaten up by an angry rhinocerous