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Important People in US History

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King of England durning the American Revolution
King George III
French Noble who helped Americans during the Revolutionary War.
Marquis de Lafayette
African-American spy during the American Revolution Spied on Lord Cornwallis' camp.
James Armistead
Patriot writer that supported independence and convinced others to join the cause. First woman historian of the American Revolution, published plays, books, and poetry.
Mercy Otis Warren
Educated African-American Patriot, made the same midnight ride as Paul Revere warning the British were coming.
Wentworth Cheswell
Wife of John Adams, known for her stance on women't rights in letters to her husband.
Abigail Adams
Wrote Common Sense and American Crisis. He urged Americans to support the Patriot cause during the American Revolution
Thomas Paine
"Father of the Constitution" one of the authors of the Federalists Papers; Author of the Bill of Rights
James Madison
Patriot from Virginia, opposed ratification of Constitution because of potential limitations of state's rights. "GIIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH"
Patrick Henry
Author of many of the Federalist Papers; First secretary of treasury, Leader of the Federalist Party.
Alexander Hamiliton
Author, publisher, inventor, diplomat
Benjamin Franklin
Boston Patriot who opposed British taxation. Leader of the Sons of Liberty and was an Anti-Federalist (wanted a bill of rights)
Samuel Adams
Commander-in-chief of the Continental Army, President of the Constitutional Convention, and First US President, helped create a strong central government.
George Washington
French political philosopher who defined the principle of separation of Powers and Checks and balances in the government.
Charles de Montequieu
Known as the Father of Liberalism, was an English philosopher and physician. His writings influenced many American revolutionaries. He developed the consent of the people and inalienable rights: Life, Liberty, and Property.
John Locke
Banished (kicked out) of Massachusetts and became one of the founders of Rhode Island
Anne Hutchinson
Established Pennsylvania for Quakers.
Willam Penn
Wrote the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut. The "First written Constitution."
Thomas Hooker
Founder of the state of Connecticut
Thomas Hooker