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Idioms from Shakespeare III

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You can't treat your ______ __________ ______ ______ that way (= your family)
your own flesh and blood
The pub is so crowded that there is no _____________ room.
I thought it was best that I told Matt what I knew about his new girlfriend. Sometimes you have to be cruel ______ ______ _______.
to be kind
The garden was a ___________ ___________ after the storm.
sorry sight
I drank far too much coffee yesterday, and as a result I didn't sleep a __________
In my heart _____ ______, I knew it was the wrong decision.
of hearts
She's such a funny girl, she had me in ____________ all night
Whether you want to do this job is neither ________ nor ________ you're going to do it.
neither here nor there
Nobody knows what happened to the missing walkers. They seem to have vanished into _________ _________
thin air
Telling a joke is a good way to break the __________ at the start of a presentation.
The boss is furious with you about yesterday's meeting. I think you should lie ________ this morning and keep out of his way.
I could tell immediatelly that Jackie was upset. She wears her heart on her _____________
Our dog needs a ridiculous amount of food. He's eating us out of ________ and _________
house and home
Fashion has come full __________, and long skirts are now back, like in the 70's.