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Films and TV

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Give 3 examples of state verbs
Love, hate, believe,聽 think, like...
Is this sentence correct? Why?: Are you loving Aitami?
No, because "love" is a state verb and state verbs can't go in a continuous tense.
If an actor is a woman, how do we call her instead of actress?
female actor
What is the abbreviation of "science-fiction"?
The people you see in the background of films and TV programs are called...
Which film genre includes singing and dancing?
Which film genre聽is about illegal acts or activities that involve聽breaking the law?
Which is the genre of Harry Potter's films?
Which film genre聽is about famous people talking and answering聽questions?
Chat show
Which聽 genre is the TV show "Pasapalabra"?
Quizz show
Which genre is the film "Interstellar"?
Which genre is the TV series "La que se avecina"?
Soap opera
Correct this sentence: Ancor makes his homeworks every Friday
Ancor makes his homework every Friday
Correct this sentence: Tarek and Gaia is learning English right now
Tarek and Gaia are learning English聽 right now
Correct the sentence: Elody and Johan aren't looking bored in the English class
Elody and Johan don't look bored in the English class
Correct the sentence: I is waiting a new smartphone
I want a new smartphone
Which film聽is about a situation in which two or more groupsof people or countries fight against each other?
Correct the sentence: Look! Johan eats in class!
Look! Johan is eating in class!