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Unit 8 - LET´S DREAM

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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define: HAMMOCK
It is a kind of bed. It is made of a large piece of cloth. You tie the cloth to a tree at each end.
Hard substance that grows in the sea or ocean. Home to many tropical fish.
People often do this activity in the middle of the day, after lunch.
It is a mammal with long whiskers and long nose. It can swim very well and it is considered a large marine animal. It is...
It is a SEA LION
You need a pair of binoculars to do this activity. You need to move very slowly and quietly so you do not scare the animals.
You do this underwater activity in the sea, the ocean, a lake or swimming pool. You wear a tank on your back and breathe in oxygen through a tube.
This is the land on the edge of a river, a lake, the sea or the ocean. It can be sandy or rocky.
You do this activity in the sea or ocean. You lie down on a small flat board and surf on the waves.
boogie boarding
define: PALM TREE
It is a tall plant with a long narrow trunk and no branches. At the top there are large, wide leaves.
These creatures live in the seas and oceans close to the equator. They´re often brightly coloured.
tropical fish