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"Will" or "be going to"

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name three verbs after which there is „will” form.
think, believe. promise
What are your plans for this weekend? (name two)
I am going to... / I think I will...
What is going to happen?
He is going to know answers to all the questions.
__________ (Czy zamierzasz skończyć) your homework before class?
Are you going to finish
The sky is very dark. It _________ (będzie padało).
is going to rain
__________ (Co zrobisz) when you fail your exam?
What will you do
I have bought a lottery ticket. I think I ________ (wygram) a lot of money.
will win
Fiona is very sad. She’s lost her phone. She _________ (cry).
is going to cry
Which band ________ (be) popular next year?
will be
That film ____ probably _____ (win) awards.
will probably win
The actress has broken her leg, so she ________ (star) in a film.
isn't going to star
When do we use „be going to” structure? (name two rules)
1. for decisions made before the moment of speaking, 2. for predictions based on evidence
Put the verb in the correct form: She __________ (meet) her friends tomorrow.
is going to meet
Change the question into the negative sentence: Will they help us?
They won't help us.
Change the sentence into a question: She will pass all her exams.
Will she pass all her exams?