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Final Review Part 2

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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95% of nutrient absorption takes place in the small intestine - Fact or Fiction
Fact! 90% of digestion also takes place here - 10% in stomach & large intestine
Is it ok to have a bit of sugar in urine?
No, if there is sugar in urine, it should be repeated, and a blood sugar ordered.
What may cause stress incontinence?
Some answers are: weakened pelvic floor muscles, trauma, childbirth, aging, meds, obesity
When is it appropraite for the nurse to remove lines and tubes from a deceased patient?
When it has been determined that an autopsy will not be performed
Which type of complicated grief involves behaviors that are interfering with normal functioning, but the person grieving is not aware they are doing these to conceal grief.
Masked Grief
What kinds of incontinence happens during ativities that increase intraabdominal pressure
Stress incontinence
What is an cccult blood test?
It tests for blood in stool that cannot be seen
Which of these is a result of immobility?
Bilateral elbow contractures
Decreased cardiac workload
Orthostatic hypertension
Muscle mass gain
Why would a patient need to do this to their food/drink?
Aspiration precautions or dsyphagia
A newly admitted patient is in acute pain, has not been sleeping well lately, and is having difficulty breathing. How should the nurse prioritize these problems?
Breathing, Pain, Sleep
The student nurse documents a patient’s pain assessment in the chart. Which of the following is a correct example of documentation?
Patient states pain is a continuous, throbbing, 8/10
Patient's pain seems to be continuous and throbbing
It appears that the patient's pain is about an 8/10
Patient is sleeping so pain is a 0/10
Which of the 5 senses is commonly affected in dementia patients?
Smell, which leads to decreased eating
What is labeled A? Is the blood oxygenated or deoxygenated?
Aorta, oxygenated
Think of respiratory alkalosis and tell us if the pH is high or low and the Co2 is high or low.
pH high and CO2 low
Beef, oysters, shrimp, scallops, spinach, beets, and greens are good sources of _____.
The nurse documents the periwound tissue as