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Research Maniacs

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why is research performed?
To prove and organize facts.
Why write a research paper?
How often should you quote?
1-2 times per paragraph
What is citing?
Citing is using information from others.
Why do we give credit to others?
To avoid plagarism; to be honest.
What’s the difference between paraphrasing and quoting?
Quoting is direct; paraphrasing is rephrased.
Where does the INFORMATION go in an essay?
In the BODY paragraphs.
What goes at the top of a research paper?
A title!
What should go at the end of an introduction (hint: it works as a map)?
A thesis statement.
How is a research paper different from an argumentative paper?
A research paper explains instead of argues.
What are the three types of paragraphs in an essay?
Introduction, conclusion, body paragraph.
This is an enormous fish, and it is at the top of its food chain. It is often used as the topic of fishing tournaments.
What is a blue marlin?
This creature is beautiful, swims similarly to a jellyfish, and is found in shallow areas.
What is a feather star?
This creature looks like a human face, but looks like a normal fish when the pressure is high.
What is a blobfish?
This creature is extremely intelligent, can shrink to a tiny size, and can fight a shark.
What is an octopus?
This creature is seen as dangerous and villainous, but does not attack people instinctually.
What is a great white shark?