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Can You Guess How Long It Takes For Your Trash T ...

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How long will it take the rubber sole of a boot to cease to exist? up to 10 years / up to 50 year s/ up to 500 years
50 year s
How long does a fishig net take to decompose? 400 years / 600 years / 800 years
600 years
How long does it take a glass bottle to decompose? 1 million / 2 million / 3 million years
1 million years
How long does it take a plastic bottle to decompose? 45 years / 450 years / 4500 years
450 years
How long does it take a aluminium can to decompose? up to ... 100 years / 200 years / 300 years
up to 200 years
How long does it take a bana peel to decompose? 2 weeks / 5 weeks / 15 weeks
5 weeks
How long does it take diapers to naturally decompose? 5 years / 50 years / 500 years
500 years
How long will it take for a plastic bag to decompose? 100 years / 1000 years / 10,000 years
1000 years - Unfortunately, the bags don't break down completely but instead photo-degrade, becoming microplastics that absorb toxins and continue to pollute th
How long will it take for a newspaper to naturally decompose? 3 weeks / 6 weeks / 9 weeks
6 weeks
How long will it take an apple core to naturally decompose? 2 weeks / 2 months / 2 years
2 months
How long will it take for a cigarette butt to naturally decompose? Up to 5 years / Up to 10 years
Up to 10 years