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Global Inequalities

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the capital of Lebanon? Beirut, Damascus, or Sana'a?
What is the capital of Venezuela? Buenos Aires, Montevideo, or Caracas?
89 politicians were KILLED during the campaigning period of midterm elections of which COUNTRY? Mexico, Venezuela, or Chile?
What are the TWO MOST PREVALENT forms of conflict today? Political instability, Civil wars, Territorial disputes, or Interstate conflicts?
Civil wars and Territorial dispues!
Which COUNTRY does Pakistan have a major conflict with? Iran, India, or Iraq?
Which COUNTRY does Israel have a major conflict with? Turkey, Russia, or Palestine?
Around 80% of the world's current conflicts are in which TWO continents? North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, or Oceania?
Asia and Africa!
What currency is used in Pakistan? Pakistani rupee or Pakistani real?
Pakistani rupee!
What currency is used in Mexico? Pesos or dollars?
Mexican Pesos!
What currency is used in Ireland? Pound or Euro?
What currency is used in China? Yen or Yuan?
Chinese Yuan!
TRUE OR FALSE: One REASON for OVERPOPULATION is because people MIGRATE in search of BETTER living condiitons.
OVERPOPULATED cities have PROBLEMS with which of these services: Transportation, clean water, electricity, or all?
All the options!
TRUE OR FALSE: According to the UN, in 2010 China was the MOST populated country in the world.
TRUE OR FALSE: The population's DISTRIBUTION is IRREGULAR because NOT all countries grow at the same pace?
What was the world population in 2021? 7.0, 7.3, 7.9 OR 8.1 billion people?
7.9 billion people!