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The Spanish Civil War

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TRUE OR FALSE: The Republicans won the Spanish Civil War.
Anarchists, socialists, communists, Catalonian nationalists, and Basque nationalists were part of WHICH side? Nationalists OR Republicans?
When did the Spanish Civil War end? 1939, 1941, or 1945?
The Republicans had the HELP of _____ and France. Italy, Portugal, OR The Soviet Union?
The Soviet Union!
Who was part of the Nationalists? Farmers OR Fascists?
Who was part of the Republican side? Farmers OR Fascists?
What was the IDEOLOGY of the NATIONALISTS? Liberal or Conservative?
Conservative ideology!
Who WON the elections of 1936? The Republicans or the Nationalists?
The Republicans!
During the ______ Republic, there was a SEPARATION between the CHURCH and STATE? The First or Second?
The Second Republic!
From which COUNTRY did Franco bring troops?
Who CREATED the POPULAR FRONT to contest the 1936 elections in Spain? Alfonso XIII OR Manuel Azana?
Manuel Azana!
What was the LIBERAL regime that controlled Spain from 1931-1933? The Popular Front or the Second Republic?
The Second Republic!
In what year did the Spanish Civil War begin? 1931, 1936, OR 1939?
Who was the King of Spain BEFORE (antes) the Second Republic was declared? Alfonso XIII OR Juan Carlos I?
Alfonso XIII!
Which TWO fascist countries AIDED the Nationalists in Spain?
Italy and Germany!