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travelling 1 hw check

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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we signed a ... contract with our parters on building the construction that would .... the whole building
transactional, underpin
They control information ..., Not trigger fingers.
describe the picture
describe the picture
the people are going through customs
Sam waited impatiently in the ... ... area as more bags were unloaded from his flight
baggage reclaim
while waiting for out aircraft to arrive, we heard an .... about its .... At that moment we`d realized that we had to wait another 2 hours.
announcement, delay
.... your ... ... before the plane ... ..
Fasten, seat belt, takes off
He decided independently not to ... .. ... ang went home.
board the plane
Flight 11 now boarding at ... 5
Focused on the overlap of the number of ... ... and passengers of the aircraft;
boarding tickets
You have 16 pounds ... ..., Mr. Gibbons. You have to pay for it.
excess baggage
Our .... ... .... open 2 hours before departure.
check-in desks/ registration
You have arrived at your ....
... ... 457 from Beijing now arriving.
flight number
'Further information will be displayed on the ... ... - 'when it becomes available.'
departures board
Put all your luggage into this trolly and hurry up!
The .... .... must match size and weight requirements set by the airline company.
hand luggage/baggage (uk)