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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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From Ian's story, what do you think Ian learned from this experience? How do you know?
how to solve the problem, how to make friends, how to work as a waiter, how to plan his own trip...
Do you want to try working holiday one day? Why or why not?
(Personal opinions)
Why did Ian NOT start his trip as soon as he arrived at that small island in Australia?
He needed to settle down and adapt himself to the new place first.
In your opinion, what do we need to have when we are going to try working holiday?
language ability, personality, money, courage
What trouble did Ian have when he was in Australia?
language, friends, jobs
Did Ian think working holiday is good to try? How do you know?
Yes. He said, "I cannot wait to go on another working holiday."
Why did Ian say, "What a wonderful experience?"
Because he learned a lot. For example, he learned Australian English, made many new friends from different coutries, and did many different activities.
Where did Ian's friends come from?
They come from different countries.
How long did Ian spend looking for a job?
About one month.
What did Ian do during his working holiday?
He worked as a waiter, played some water sports, like surfing and sailing, and camped and watched the sunset on the beach.
What made Ian change his feelings?
He made many good friends to help him.
How did Ian feel about Australia in the beginning? And why?
He felt unhappy because he couldn't understand Australian English.
What did Ian do when he was staying in Australia?
He worked as a waiter.
Why did Ian go to Australia?
to do the working holiday
Where is Great Barrier Reef?
in Australia
Where did Ian visit?
Great Barrier Reef in Australia
What does the writer want to tell the readers?
He wants to share his experience with the readers.