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The old toy room

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Do you think Lottie's adventure was real, or in her imagination?
Tell me what you think!!!!
What was Lottie's plan to help the train?
Lottie's plan was to work as a team / Lottie's plan was to move the blocks using ropes
What does shortcut mean?
A different route that is shorter than the normal one.
What two words are used to describe how the balleria's moves?
Twirling and leaping
Which character did Lottie meet first?
Why was Lottie excited at the beginning of the story?
She had never slept at Granny Mabel's before
Complete this sentence "I used to really love going....
on adventures with Chester too!"
Finish the sentence "teamwork can be...
really fun!
Who was Chester pulling in the carriage?
The mayor
Why had the train stopped?
The block bridge had collapsed
Where was everyone going?
To the grand Theatre opening (the ballet).
When Lottie opened the magic door where did she end up?
In a train station
Who's house was Lottie staying at?
Granny Mabel