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Plate tectonics

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What process occurs when one plate sinks beneath another plate because it is more dense?
The Mid-Atlantic Ridge formed along which type of plate boundary?
Divergent (oceanic to oceanic)
What process in Earth's mante do scientists believe is driving the movement of the plates?
convection currents
The Himalayan Mountain range was formed by which type of plate boundary?
What type of plate boundary is shown in the diagram below?
What type of plate boundary is shown in the diagram below?
What type of plate boundary is shown in the diagram below?
What term describes where one plate comes in contact with another?
Plate boundary
What name did Alfred Wegener give the "supercontinent" ?
Continental crust is primarily made up of what type of rock?
What 3 major forms of evidence did Wegener use to support his theory of Continental Drift?
Landforms, Climate, Fossils
Oceanic crust is primarily made up of what type of rock?
Which term is used to describe the continuous heating and cooling of magma within the mantle?
convection currents
Which term is used to describe the upper portion of the mantle where convection currents occur?
Describe Alfred Wegener's Theory of Continental Drift.
The Earth's crust is separated into sections called plates. The plates are slowly drifting across the Earth's surface.
What term is used to describe the crust and the uppermost part of the mantle?