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The Progressive Era

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What did TR also promote for the citizens?
He promoted laws to protect them from unsafe food and drugs, and to protect the environment from pollution
What did the Elkins Act do?
It made it illegal for railroad officials to give shippers rebates
When was the Elkins Act passed?
What other trusts did TR sue?
He sued the beef, tobacco, and oil trusts
How many anti-trust suits were filed under TR?
What did TR order the Justice Department to do?
To file suit against the Northern Securities Company
By the 1900s who controlled 4/5ths of the industries in the U.S?
The trusts
What was TR's new principle?
When the public warfare was threatened, the feds could step in
What was the result of the 1902 Coal Strike?
A 10% raise, 9-hour workday, and the right to strike for three years
Who refused to meet the labor leaders?
George Baer
How many coal miners struck for a 20% raise, 9-hour workday, and the right to organize a union in the 1902 Coal Strike?
140,000 coal miners
What did TR beliveve?
That it was necessary for America to have a strong federal government
What does "Square Deal" stand for?
A term used to latter to describe his progressive programs
What would TR see big businesses as if they victimized workers?
TR would make sure th epeople got a "Square Deal"
How did TR see the presidency as?
TR saw the presidency as a "Bully Pulpit" where he could influence news media and legislation
What age was Theodore Roosevelt when he was elected President of the United States?
he was 42, and this makes him the youngest president in U.S history
When and why was Theodore Roosevelt elected Governor of New York?
He was elected governor of New York in 1898. After Vice President Garret Hobart died in 1899, McKinley had to accept Roosevelt as his running mate in 1900
What position was he in the Navy?
Assistant Secretary of the Navy
How did he help the New York City's police department?
He helped clean up the New York City's corrupt police department as Chief of Police
Where did he serve three terms at?
The New York Assembly
While "Teddy" was at Harvard what extracurriculars did he do?
He took boxing and wrestling
What did "teddy" suffer from when he was younger?
Who was his first wife and how did she die?
Alice Hathaway Lee Roosevelt. They married in 1880 and she died in 1884. She died of Pulmonary Embolism.
Why is TR nicknamed "Teddy Roosevelt"?
During a hunting expedidtion he spared a bear cub from getting killed and a toy maker marketed the Teddy bear.
What is Theodore Roosevelt's nickname?
"Teddy Roosevelt"
Who is Theodore Roosevelt?
He remains the youngest person to become President of the United States.Roosevelt most notably negotiating a settlement to the great Coal strike in 1902.