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Clauses, clauses, clauses

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True or False: for fear that and lest are used with concessive clauses
True or False: a purpose clause normally comes after a main clause
True or False: with though and although it is possible to omit the verb
True or False: much as and whereas are mainly used in formal written English
True or False: despite and in spite of can be followed by a verb
These clauses can come before and after the main clause (name two)
concessive clauses and reason clauses
These clauses are used to give contrasting information
concessive clauses
What clauses are introduced by -whereas and while 1. purpose 2. reason 3. concessive clauses
concessive clauses
What clauses are introduced by - in case and since 1. purpose 2. reason 3. concessive clauses
reason clauses
What clauses are introduced by in order to, so as to, so that : 1. purpose 2. reason 3. concessive clauses
purpose clauses