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FFF 23A World, weather, work

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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This is another way to say Saturday and Sunday.
In this kind of weather, it's very difficult to see places that are far away.
This is when one day finishes and another begins.
at midnight
This is sea water that moves up and down in the wind.
a wave
Look up when you are outside in the day or at night and you will always see this.
the sky
You look at words and pictures on this part of a computer when you're studying.
a screen
Only plants that don't need lots of water can grow in this hot, dry place.
a desert
A new one of these begins every hundred years.
a century
You might feel frightened in this loud, wet and windy kind of weather.
a storm
Most people are awake for about 16 of these each day.
If you visit this very dark place in the rocks, you might see bats inside it.
a cave
In each hour, there are 60 of these.
This person can fix a tooth that has a hole in it.
a dentist
This is another way of saying 12.00 in the afternoon.
at midday
When you are online, you can find all kinds of information on these.
In some parts of the world, this means 'autumn'.
Businessmen and businesswomen go to this place to work and have meetings.
an office