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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Two examples of countries ruled by a presidential system
Brasil, Estados Unidos, Argentina, Uruguai
Two examples of countries ruled by a parliamentary system
Canadá, Inglaterra, Suécia, Itália, Alemanha, Portugal
How are representatives chosen in the presidentialism system?
The people vote during elections
How are representatives chosen in the parliamentary system?
The people choose the parliament and the parliament chooses the prime minister
In which kind of government can you apply the presidential system?
It's possible to apply in a republic
In which kind of government can you apply the parliamentary system?
It's possible to apply in a monarchy and in a republic
Where was parliamentarism created?
It was created in England
Where was presidentialism created?
It was created in the United States of America
Who is responsible for the executive power in a presidential system?
It's the president
Who is responsible for the executive power in a parliamentary system?
It's the prime-minister
Who is the head of state of the presidential system?
It's the president
Who is the head of state of the parliamentary system?
It's the king/queen or the president