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Warm up game - grade 4

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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It's 0915 099 995
What is your phone number?
Her scarf is 60.000 dong
How much is her scarf?
8. do/ Mai/go/and/ Tony/ Where/?
Where do Mai and Tony go?
Because she wants to buy some bread.
Why does she want to go to the bakery?
4. My mother wants to buy some medicine. Let’s go to the ________________
3. I go to the ………………........to buy some books
1. often /lucky/ Tet/at/We/get/ money/.
We often get lucky money
I decorate the house.
What do you do at Tet?
It is on the first of June.
When is the Children's Day?
I can swim.
What can you do?
He is tall and handsome.
What does he look like?
Lan is taller than Hoa
who is taller? Hoa or Lan
6. Lan goes to English club ____________Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoon.
8. mother/ home/late/goes/evening/the/in/ My/.
My mother goes home late in the evening
13.a. thirsty b. banana c. apple d. lemonade
Yes, please. I love noodles.
Would you like some noodles?
He works in a field
Where does he work?
( find the mistake) 3. What do your sister do? – She is a student.
What do --> What does
It is eleven fifty - five
What time is it?