Edit Game
Review Unit 2: Pre intermediate

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The screen on a phone, tablet or computer
A tablet, laptop or mobile phone
A computer program designed for one purpose
You type by using this
A secret phrase that you use to log in to a website
A software program that allows users to find and read information on the web
My dad has a great ______ as a chef and has won many awards
They hired me because I said I had great p_____ ______ skills
problem - solving
She knows _________ skills such as speed reading and computer literacy
I am so nervous, they are between choosing me or the other __________
My friend's company has 40 ____________ working there.
The pilot ___________________ (fly) this airplane for 8 hours straight.
has been flying
I have gone to the gym for only 1 month, but I _________(already/gain) so much muscle.
have already gained
He _____ (develop) her medical knowledge during her college years.
I ______ (work) in a pet shop last year
Mark Zuckerberg _______ (leave) Harvard in 2004.
I ______________(play) football since I was just five, I still do.
have been playing
I (always/love) playing videogames.
have always loved
(you/ever/dream/?) that you can do anything?
Have you ever dreamed
________________(take) a driving test yet?
Have you taken
How long _____________(know) your colleagues or classmates?
have you known
Have you ever ________ (lose) your phone?
How many emails ___________(write) today?
have you written
How long ________________ (use) this book?
have you been using
What job _____________ (want) to do when you were a child?
did you want