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Where is Mrs. Casamina favorite place in the world?
As a team sing "I want it that way"
A little Pitchy....
What holiday is today?
Earth Day
How many nuclear tests were done on the Marshall Islands?
What university does Mr. Mitchell attend?
University of Hawaii West Oahu
What branch of military was Mr. Mitchell in?
Who is Mr. Diggs’ favorite Black Pink member?
Name all the BTS members
Jin, Suga, J-Hope, RM, Jimin, V, and Jungkook
Who wrote the Gadget?
Paul Zindel
What state did Mr. Mitchell grow up in?
What is Mr. Mitchell’s favorite color?
How many Super Bowls have the Carolina Panthers won?
What was the code word for chapters 6-9?
Dark Angel
What was the code word for chapters 1-5?
Who won the most medals in the 2022 Olympic Games in Beijing?
What former member of NSYNC did Mr. Mitchell show a picture of on the Google Jamboard?
Justin Timberlake
What Boy Band is coming to Hawaii on August 5, 2022?
New Kids on the Block
What was on Mr. Mitchell’s Aloha shirt yesterday?
Lilo and Stitch
Chapter 9: Who was trying to kidnap Stephen?
Hooded monks with metal crucifixes
Chapter 9: Where was Stephen excited to be going on a trip to?
Santa Fe Annual Jamboree
Chapter 9: Which of the following best describes how Sewa feels about Alexei?
Sewa does not trust Alexei
Chapter 9: During the weekly activity, Stephen’s friend Sabrina/Brini asked about Nicole. What did Stephen refer to her as?
The one who sleeps with mice and then feeds them to her snake
Chapter 9: What activity does Stephen do weekly with his father and other families?
Chapter 8: What type of food does Mrs. Orr and family have to eat back in England due to the war?
Horse Meat
Chapter 8: Mr. Nagavatsky warns that the arrival of this group means bad things for the world:
The 7 Dark Angels
Chapter 8: Stephen spent several afternoons after school at this location:
Alexei’s ranch
Chapter 8: What candy is Stephen supposed to make sure Sewa packs for his dad each morning?
Hershey Bar
Chapter 7: At the very end of the chapter when Stephen and Alexei arrived at Alexei’s dad’s ranch after the Canyon Rim, what/who greeted them and surrounded them?
German Shepards
Chapter 7: What did they find at the Canyon Rim?
A high chain link fence because of the gorge
Chapter 7: How did Alexei and Stephen get to the Canyon Rim?
They rode horses to the rim
Chapter 7: When Stephen was walking with Alexei along the brook, what did Stephen grab near the water?
Two-headed frog
Chapter 6: Who does Stephen YELL at in this chapter?
Nurse Klass
Chapter 6: What does Dr. Soifer give Stephen?
Chapter 6: What does Alexei give Dr. Soifer?
Chapter 6: What was the name of the experiment that injured Dr. Soifer?
Tale of the Tiger
Chapter 5: What was the nurse’s nickname?
Blind Barbarian
Chapter 1:What happened at the very end of Chapter 1?
Jackson twisted dead body
Chapter 1: Stephen would pretend to fall asleep when he had a babysitter because …?
He wanted to see her glass eye taken out
Chapter 5: Who is Stephen’s new friend?
Chapter 5: What is the nurse’s name?
Nurse Klass
Chapter 5: Why did Stephen have to go to the hospital?
To get his shots
Chapter 4: What is the project that Stephen’s dad is working on?
It’s something to stop Hitler and his army
Chapter 4: Which Disney character has the same name as the military code name for Stephen’s dad?
Chapter 4: Which Doctor is the boss of Stephen’s dad?
Dr. Oppenheimer
Chapter 3: What did Stephen want to do to his dad when he saw him for the first time at the end of Chapter 3?
Hurt him
Chapter 3: What type of candy does the housekeeper share with Stephen?
Tootsie Roll
Chapter 3: What is the name of the street of the best houses that Stephen will be living at?
Bathtub Row
Chapter 3: His dad’s housekeeper is named…?
Chapter 3: What does M.P. stand for?
Military Police
Chapter 2: What was the saying on the back of the pressed coin his mother got for him at the arcade before Stephen left?
Remember Us
Chapter 2: Who was Stephen going to live with?
His father
Chapter 2: Why did they censor the letters in black ink?
The letter contained sensitive military information
Chapter 2: In this chapter, the main location changes from England to …?
Los Alamos, New Mexico
Chapter 1: The boys went on the roof to…?
Listen to the radio
Chapter 1: Stephen was a ___________ boy?
Inquisitive (curious)
Chapter 1: Jackson is Stephen’s...?
Chapter 1: What was the unique word or phrase mentioned in the very first page of the book?
Snoopy Bruthas
Chapter 1: Stephen was located in which part of England?