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Evaluation and Assessment

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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continuous & diverse, respecting learners' abilities, should be an aid not a threat, shouldn't compare or label Ss
3 documents that can be stored in a PORTFOLIO
learners' written work, HWK, drawings, projects, work results, self and peer assessment, books read, ...
3 positives of TESTING
easy to prepare, easy to administer, easy to mark & grade, can motivate learners
what does PEER-ASSESSMENT promote?
positive classroom atmosphere and relationships among students & teacher, mutual respect, etc.
what does SELF-ASSESSMENT promote?
learner autonomy, setting and achieving learning goals, learning skills, etc.
give 3 types of TESTS
standardized, achievement, placement, progress, proficiency, etc.
name 3 different ASSESSMENT TOOLS
tests, portfolios, observations, interviews, tutorials, reports, class activities, etc.
3 areas that we assess in YLs
language skills, non-linguistic skills (motor, social, cognitive, emotional), knowledge, behavior, attitude, motivation, etc.
provide 3 reasons for assessing YLs
to monitor & help their progress, to give evidence of progress, to boost motivation, to plan future work, to inform authorities
a process of getting information from many sources (parents, portfolios, grades, feedback forms, etc.) to determine the success of an educational program
= formative, it uses different methods (portfolios, observations, interviews, etc.) to provide more complex information about learners
= summative, uses standardized tests to compare students knowledge to a given standard
it uses different methods to gather information about a student's knowledge, skills, abilities, attitude and motivation
explain TESTING
one method of assessment, it uses tasks or exercises, marks or grades are assigned based on quantifiable results
According to Vygotsky, what should tests include and why?
help of the others (peers or teachers) as this provides better assessment of their learning
3 negatives of testing
stressful, low grades can discourage learners, mainly knowledge is tested, skills are often excluded
What's a test washback effect?
teaching is focused on test preparation and there's less time to do fun tasks (songs, games, stories, etc.)