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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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There was only one place to be on the ..... (Earth/planet/world) that night - and I was there.
But when Obama made his ...... (speak), they all became quiet and emotional.
People started (smiling/laughing), (shouting/yelling), and (hugging/crying).
laughing, shouting and crying.
..... about 11 o'clock, the results were announced, and everybody went crazy.
I ............... (watched/was watching) Obama's victory through the faces of all these people, African, Hispanic, Chinese, white.
was watching
Suddenly, I felt that this was a ....... place to be than inside.
They felt that it was their ..... (time/atmosphere/moment).
Some people were quietly .... (1) hands and ...... (2) - others were tense and nervous.
1. holding 2. smiling
When I took this photo, everybody ..... (look) at the TV screens waiting for the election results.
was looking
Although it was ...., it was a warm night. The atmosphere was wonderful.
I walked around the park .... (next to/behind/inside/outside) the center.
But when I got there, I discovered that I didn't have my (sserp ssap) and I couldn't go inside.
press pass
I wanted to photograph Barack Obama and his family ... the convention center.
... (1) November 4th, I arrived ... (2) Chicago late ... (3) the evening.
1. on 2. in 3. in