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Physics 101 Review Electricity

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In class, we made a battery with pennies, washers, paper, and ________
In a series circuit, the current flows through
one path
multiple paths
True or False: A circuit powered by a battery has no affect on the needle of a compass placed nearby.
False (remember our electricity experiments)
Michael Faraday worked with magnets and electricity. He found that you can make a (an)...
electrical field by moving a magnet in/out of a coil of wire
a motor with only a magnet
magnetic field from a motor and a coil of wire
movie from a bunch of pictures
What are 2 of Thomas Edison's most famous inventions?
Light bulb and phonograph
True or False: A battery is actually a combination of 2 or more cells
What statement best describes what is being used to produce the electricity we use in our homes?
The fast movement of an electromagnetic energy wave
The slow floating forward of electrons in one direction.
It’s the moving on and off of magnets from power lines th
Electricity does move slowly, we have to wait SO long for
What is a resistor used for in a circuit?
Something used to reduce the flow of electrons.
Something used to increase the flow of electrons
Something used to turn off the circuit
Something used to turn on the circuit
A Volt is a Joule per Coulomb. A Joule is a measurement of energy or work. A Coulomb is a group of flowing electrons. How many joules can a 9 Volt battery produce per coulomb?
9 joules
Generators like those at power plants use giant____________ and coiled copper _________. This produces charge which alternates _____________.
Magnets, wires, direction
Batteries, pipes, cost
Basketballs, necklaces, soundwaves
Towers, nets, current
Which mastermind won the War of the Currents in 1880’s and which type of system won (in other words, what do we use today)?
Nikola Tesla, AC (alternating current)
Thomas Edison, AC (alternating current)
Nikola Tesla, DC (Direct current)
Thomas Edison, DC (Direct current)
When an electric field is produced, what also happens involving magnets?
A magnetic field is at right angle to the elecrical field
A magnet will no longer stick to a fridge
A alien will be magnetized here from outer space
A magnetic field is parallel to the electric field
An electric field develops when electrons move in one direction in a closed circuit. At what speed does this electric field move?
The speed of light
The speed of sound
It depends on the material of the conductor
Electrical fields always go the speed limit
When the electrons are flowing in one direction,in order for there to be electricity, what are the protons doing?
Staying still
In a closed circuit, the electrons all move in one ____________ trying to get back to the other end of the battery.
In static electricity, which holds a more negative charge, human hair or plastic?
Plastic (man-made substances usually hold a more negative charge)
Another word for the movement of charge is
What must happen for there to be electrical energy? (Energy you can use for things like light bulbs.)
The moving of charge
The breaking apart of atoms
The total balance of charge
The bonding of molecules
How do you get the free electrons to move in one direction rather than randomly all over the place?
You put the conductor (wire) into a circuit with a power
You tell the electrons to go left or right
You use rubber or plastic and hope that it works
You hook a copper wire to a light bulb and back to start
What do you call materials that don’t have free electrons to pass from one atom to another?
What do you call materials that can pass electrons from one atom to another?
In an atom, electrons travel around the nucleus. What can happen to electrons travelling in the outermost shell of the atom (valence electrons)?
These electrons can float to other atoms
These electrons can shield the atom from other atoms
These electrons can change their charge
These electrons can float into the nucleus
What are the 3 particles in an atom?
Protons, neutrons, electrons
What happened to the string on the kite of Ben Franklin's experiment?
The frayed ends of the string stood up
The kite caught fire
The string was too wet, nothing happened
Franklin was struck by lightning and rushed to the doctor
Name the 2 opposites types of forces that Benjamin Franklin studied
Positive and Negative
Electricity was noticed by people in history when _______ was rubbed generating static electricity.