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Animal Idioms

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I always thought Laurence was rather shallow and superficial, but yesterday I saw him reading a book of Renaissance poetry. He's a bit of a dark _____, isn't he? (someone with a secret, especially a secret ability, skill or achievement)
You really let the _____ out of the bag when you asked Louise what time her party started. She didn't know anything about it. It was supposed to be a surprise. (to tell someone something that was supposed to be a secret)
Tony! What a surprise! It's wonderful to see you again. I haven't seen you for _____'s years! (an extremely long time)
The hotel used to be the best in town, but since the new manager took over it's really gone to the _____. (not as good at it was in the past)
I don't trust Eric when he says he's working late at the office. To be honest, I smell a _____. (to be suspicious, or to think that someone is trying to trick you)
I only started my new job last week, and I still feel like a _____ out of water. (to be in a situation that you know nothing about or are not used to)
"How did you know that Mr Roberts is going to resign?" "I got it straight from the _____'s mouth." (information that comes from someone who is directly involved – in this case, from Mr Roberts)
Have you met our new manager? He really thinks he's the _____'s knees! (to think you are very clever and important)
I'm so hungry, I could eat a _____! (an expression used for saying that you are very hungry)
I can't help you at the moment, I'm afraid. I've got bigger _____ to fry. (to have more important things to do or think about)
While we're in town doing our shopping, let's go and see my mother. That way, we can kill two_____ with one stone. (to achieve two aims with one action)