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Energy sources

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A plane, train and car use what type of energy?
Non renewable!
Natural gas is an example of what energy ?
Non renewable
Which is not renewable? Wind power, nuclear power, biomass, solar panels
Nuclear power
Burning fossil fuels can cause ____
Air pollution
When is earth day ?
April 22! ???
We need to use appliances that are __________
Energy efficient
T/f: sustainable development is bad
What causes global warming ?
Combustion that releases carbon dioxide
What produces radioactive waste that can harm living things ?
Nuclear power stations
T/f: energy production does not cause problems ?
Where are uranium and plutonium used?
They are used in nuclear power stations
Why do we burn fossil fuels ?
To produce thermal energy to use for heating
Which is not a fossil fuel? Coal, wood, petroleum, natural gas
Coal, and natural gas are examples of what ?
Fossil fuels
Energy sources that will run out are called _____
Non-renewable energy sources
This type of energy can be used to heat water or produce electricity
Geothermal energy
Geothermal energy is ________energy from _____ the earth
Thermal , inside
Chemical energy in biomass is used as ____
Biomass contains what type of energy?
Biomass is made up of what ?
Biological waste
Flowering water is converted into electricity in ________
Hydroelectric power stations
_____ converts the winds mechanical energy into _______
Wind power, electricity
Photovoltaic panels convert____into _______
Sunlight into electricity.
The sun is an example of which type of energy: renewable or non-renewable?
True or false : the sun continuously emits energy
Energy sources that do not run out are called _____
Renewable energy sources