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What are the 4 elements of the Corporate Social Responsibility Pyramid
Ethical, Legal, Social and Economic Responsibilities
..........is concerned with the ways in which an organisation exceeds its minimum obligations to stakeholders specified through regulation
Provide 3 examples of how tourism and hospitality firms are implementing CSR?
open answer
A term used to describe corrupt or authoritarian regimes who use sport and sports events to whitewash their image internationally.
List 4 examples of Pull factors
Pull factors: sports environment, unique natural environment, safety, sunshine, inexpensiveness,cultural activities,entertainment,sightseeing,local culture etc.
List 4 examples of Push factors
. Economic factor 2. Socio-cultural factor 3. Political factor 4. Demographic factor 5. Geographical factor 6. Climatic factor 7. Psychological factor
simply curiosity to experience the strange and unfamiliar. It refers to the basic trait in human nature to see, at first hand, different places, cultures and peoples. Status and prestige motivators would be included under this heading
can be literally translated as the desire for sunshine and a better climate, and, refers to the search for better amenities for recreation than are available at home
List the 5 stages of DMP development?
Getting started,gathering evidence,setting the direction,action plan, monitoring and reporting
Who should involve in developing the DMP? 3 examples
The preparation of DMP must involve:....
What is the difference between DMO and DMP?
Open answer
There are 17 principles of UNWTO ‘2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals , list 3 principles??
17 principles
How to create a meaningful sustainable experience ?
Custom made: Authentic: Intercultural encounters;Learning experiences; Challenge
Give 3 reasons of economic leakage in tourism?
1- Repatriation of profits generated from foreign capital investment; 2- Vertical integration; 3- Not sourcing goods and services locally.
Goes out of the local economy to pay for imported items, expatriate salaries or franchise fees.
One of the major disadvantages in tourism, its effect to jobs, investments and tourism-related enterprises.
Seasonality of tourism
A place becomes over-dependent on tourism that other industries are abandoned. This is called
Over-reliance on tourism carries risks to tourism-dependence economies, True or False?
True, dependency/over-dependence
The cost of engaging in tourism rather than another form of economic activity, it is called ?
Opportunity cost
The increase in prices of land, houses and food that occur as a result of tourist, it's called?
Why has tourism proved so difficult to define and measure on the supply side ? Give 3 examples?
very unstable demand, risky investment prospect from a financier’s point, slow to innovate