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Eric Carle: From Head to Toe

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What can you do? (3 things)
z.B. Ich kann schwimmen / rennen
Name 3 body parts
Ex. Head, mouth, toe, ear
What can you do?
Ex. I can fly.
Who can talk and fly?
The parrot 
The elephant
The penguin
The buffalo
What can the elephant do?
He can stomp his feet.
He can bend his knees.
He can turn his head.
He can curve his back.
Touch your nose with your toes
I am grey. I’ve got 4 legs and I can kick my legs.
The donkey
The buffalo
The rabbit
The giraffe
Who can bend their knees?
The camel
The giraffe
The sheep
The gorilla
Who is long, green and can wriggle their hips?
The crocodile
The donkey
The parrot
The seal
What can a cat do?
It can arch its back.
It can raise its shoulders.
It can wriggle its hips.
It bends its knees.
Who can thump its chest?
The gorilla
The donkey
The seal
The crocodile
What can a seal do?
It can clap its hands.
It can arch its back.
It can thump its chest.
It can wriggle its hips,
What can the monkey do?
It can swing its arms.
It can turn its head.
It can bend its knees.
It can clap its hands.
Who can raise its shoulders?
The buffalo
The monkey
The cat
The penguin
Who can bend its neck?
The giraffe
The donkey
The seal
The crocodile
Who can turn its head?
The penguin
The seal
The gorilla
The cat