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U1L2 Noun/Adjective agreement

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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some old teachers
unos maestros viejos
la presentación = presentation. Is it masculine or feminine?
el problema = problem. Is it masculine or feminine?
el mapa = the map. Is it masculine or feminine?
una ciudad ____________ (bonita, grandes, viejas, bonito)
una estudiante ______________ (rubio, bajos, altas, atlética)
las guitarras _______________ (grandes, pequeña, viejos, pelirroja)
el hombre inteligente
the smart/intelligent man
las chicas bonitas
the pretty girls
some disorganized men
unos hombres desorganizados
los estudiantes bajos
the short students
the organized teacher (f)
la maestra organizada
the tall students
los estudiantes altos
the funny girl
la chica cómica
an old woman
una mujer vieja
a young boy
un chico joven
las chicas altas
the tall girls
Nouns come___________adjectives in Spanish. Before or after?
If a noun ends in -ción, -sión, -tad, -dad, and -umbre, these are usually
If a noun ends in -ema, -ama, -ima, and -oma, -eta, these are usually
If an noun ends in a “z” to make it plural
drop Z and add CES
If a noun ends with an “s” and I want to make it plural
do nothing
If a noun ends in a consonant, to make it plural
add ES
If a noun ends in a vowel, to make it plural
add S
Nouns which end in -o are usually
Nouns which end in -a are usually
Nouns can be
singular, plural, masculine, feminine
If an adjective ends in a consonant, to make it plural add
add ES
If an adjective ends in a vowel, to make it plural
add S
Adjectives which end in a letter other than “-o” or “-a” are
Adjectives which end in -o are usually
Adjectives which end in -a are usually
Adjectives can be . . .
masculine, feminine, singular, plural, neutral
Know the indefinite articles (a, an, some)-------
un, una, unos, unas
Know the definite articles (the)-------
el, la, los, las