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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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my cousin is scared
who is scared
I'm not romantic
we are all romantic
my dad is peaceful
No soy pacífico
I am very joyful
my brother is joyful
my brother is very anxious
what is to be anxious
today in school learn the senses
I don't have the sense of smell
I want to be an artist when I grow up
I love being an artist
my brother cheer up
all are cheer up
i don´t clap
because everyone clap except me
I'm afraid of Cemetery
today I went to visit my grandma at the Cemetery
I have a lot of imagination
my dad doesn't have much imagination
my uncle is Composer songs
i dont Composer the songs
my sister is Unthinkable
movies have scenes Unthinkable
1 the construction of a 2-day house is Impossible
2 there are times when mathematics is a Impossibl
i very love the soul
my cousin doesn't know that soul
my mom is very very love the rock
I hate the sounds of rock
my grandfhather is love the Reggae
what is Reggae
what is punk never heard
because they talk a lot about punk
my mom listens to pop
pop step of fashion
my grandmother is a love the opera
i hate opera