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Planet Earth
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Describe the water cycle
Evaporation -> condensation -> precipitation -> collection
What does 'eco-friendly' mean?
Not harmful for the environment
Name one disadvantage of making clothes from plastic
Microfibres end up in the oceans, the fish we eat and the water we drink
Name one advantage of making clothes from plastic
We can recycle more plastic waste
Name something that has microbeads in
Toothpaste, beauty products, body wash
If something is not natural, we can say it is s_______
Name a type of microplastic
Microbeads, microfibres, polyester, spandex, nylon, elastane
Name three ways humans pollute water
Fertilisers, microplastics, landfills, factories, burning plastic, littering
What is a fatberg?
Lots of water pollution (fats, shampoos, toilet waste) stuck together in the sewers
Is ocean water 'pure water'?
No, it is salty water with other substances in it
True or false: The majority of water on Earth is in glaciers and on snowy mountains
True or false: the water we drink today is the same water the dinosaurs drank millions of years ago
Name the three processes of the water cycle
Evaporation, condensation, precipitation
What is precipitation?
What is condensation?
When water changes from a gas to a liquid
What is evaporation?
When water changes from a liquid to a gas
Name three places that water exists on Earth
Rivers, lakes, oceans, glaciers, clouds, snow, rain
Which layer of the atmosphere do we live in?
The atmosphere is made up from three gases, what are they?
Carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen
True or false: the atmosphere was formed from gases from volcanoes
True or false: Scientists think the Earth's atmosphere used to have a lot more carbon dioxide in it
What does the Earth's atmosphere do?
Protects the Earth from harmful sunrays
Name three layers of the atmosphere
Troposhere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere, Exosphere
How many layers of atmosphere does the Earth have?