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Common Exam Practice

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Sshhh! The baby __ _______________. a) has sleeping b) didn't cry c) is sleeping
c) is sleeping
I always _______ my teeth before I _____ to sleep. a) brush - go b) am brushing - went c) have brushed - have gone
a) brush - go
I ____ my homework yesterday so I am free today. a) have done b) did c) do
b) did
The major groups of living ___________ are turtles, lizards, snakes and crocodiles. a) amphibians b) fish c) reptiles
c) reptiles
Sharks are _________. They primarily hunt and eat fish. a) herbivores b) oviparous c) carnivores
c) carnivores
It takes the Earth 24 hours, or 1 day, to complete one _________ on its axis. a) rotation b) revolve c) orbit
a) rotation
The Earth __________ around the Sun and it takes 365 days, 6 hours. a) flies b) revolves c) rotates
b) revolves
A __________ is a moon, planet or machine that orbits a planet or star. a) orbit b) planet c) satellite
c) satellite
The ________ is Earth's only natural satellite. a) Moon b) Sun c) Jupiter
a) Moon
_____________ go through metamorphosis and turn into adults after the process. a) mammals b) birds c) amphibians
c) amphibians
Most of the mammals are ____________. They give birth to their babies. a) viviparous b) omnivores c) oviparous
a) viviparous
Most fish are __________. They lay their eggs to reproduce. a) viviparous b) oviparous c) carnivores
b) oviparous
Which planet is called "the blue planet?" a) Earth b) Venus c) Mercury
a) Earth
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are outer _____________. a) satellites b) stars c) planets
c) planets
What is the largest star known in the universe? a) the moon b) Jupiter c) the Sun
c) the Sun
______ you ever ______ to Italy? No, I have ______ been there. a) Has, been, ever b) Have, been, never c) Has, been, never
b) Have, been, never
Waiter: “What would you like to eat?” Customer: “I think I’ll have the chicken.” We used "will" to __________________ in this sentence. a) make promise b) make predictions c) make decisions
c) make decisions
I’m busy right now – I____ ____ you tomorrow. a) will call b) called c) have called
a) will call
She is the ____ __________ woman I have ever seen. a) more beautiful b) most beautiful c) as beautiful
b) most beautiful
Mercedes is as _____________________ BMW. a) expensive than b) more expensive than c) expensive as
c) expensive as
The Pacific Ocean is _______________ the Arctic Ocean. a) deeper than b) smaller than c) worse than
a) deeper than