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The History Periodization

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They drew images of animals in caves. In which Period did this happen?
Period 1 - Paleoiondean Period.
In which Period was the society is divided in rich and poor people?
 Period 4 or Classic Period.
In which Period did the first farmers appear?
In the Archaic or Neolithic Period or Period 2
What type of clothes did they wear during the First Period.
Fur animal.
In which Period did They move constantly to hunt animals to survive.
In the First Period, Paleoindean or Paleolithic Period.
In which Period was characterized by the discovery of the agriculture.
Period 2 or Archaic or Neolithic Period.
What is story?
It is something invented, to entertain people!
What is history?
History is the study of real events!
In which Period, was War used to build empires?
In the last Period or Period 5.
In which Period did they draw images of the animals hunted?
In the first Period or Paleoindean Period.
What is the principal characteristic of the First Period?
The use of stones!
Big cities are built. In which Period happens this?
Post classic Perio.
What is metallurgy?
The work with metals.
What is goldsmith?
the work of gold, jewelry, etc.
In which Period did they discover the agriculture?
In the Archaic or Neolithic Period.
In the Stone Period, people lived in beautiful apartments. True or false?
In which Period did they start to use the Stone?
In the Paleoindian or Paleolithic Period
How do you obtain the bronze?
Combining the Copper with the tin.
In this Period they forget the use of tools made of stone to use the bronze. Which Period is it?
Metal Period
This drawing represents: The Period number: 1, 2 , 3, 4, or 5
Number 1
What Period does this picture represent?
Classic Period
This picture represents the Paleindean Period. True or False?
AsStory is created to entertain people. True or false?
History is invented. True or false!