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Animals and their habitats

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A beautifull insect that can fly.
A butterfly
An arachnid that has 8 legs
An spider
A fish that eats meat. Its small and really fast.
A piranha
A reptile that can change his color.
The chameleon
A reptile that has his home on his back
The turtle
A bird that can't fly, small, and love cold weather.
The penguin
A huge bird that can't fly. Lives in Australia
The Ostrich
The fusion of a duck and a beaver that lay eggs.
The platypus
The biggest marsupial in the world
A kangaroo
Like a horse that is wearing payamas
A zebra
One of the smarter mammals in the word. It lives in the ocean
The dolphin
It's like a big cat with a huge mane
A lion
What is the name of the biggest mammal in africa?
The elephant