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Ch. 14 A Broken Nation
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In the election of 1860, which party supported the Free-Soil platform?
the Republican Party
Which statement best describes Abraham Lincoln's background?
He had little formal schooling but was a successful lawyer.
He was born and raised on his family’s farm in Illinois.
He ran for president as the sitting senator from Kentucky.
He never served in public office before he ran for president
Which candidate in the 1860 election campaigned in both the North and the South?
Stephen Douglas
Which statement about resupplying the garrison at Fort Sumter is true?
It could be seen as an act of war.
It could unite the North and the South.
It could be seen as favoritism toward the South.
It could cost the United States too much money
How did the Fugitive Slave Act discourage people from helping enslaved people?
People faced harsh penalties
In addition to creating two new states, what else did Kansas-Nebraska Act call for?
ending the long-standing ban on slavery in the North
What happened at Harpers Ferry?
Abolitionists captured an arsenal and took hostages.
How did the judge in the Dred Scott case describe enslaved people?
as personal property of slaveholders
Why did Lincoln object to the Crittenden Plan?
Lincoln objected to the plan because it would extend slavery into new territories.
Why were Stephen Douglas and John Bell considered “moderate” candidates compared with John Breckinridge and Abraham Lincoln?
Neither Douglas nor Bell proposed enacting new laws on slavery. Breckinrdige was proslavery, and Lincoln was antislavery.
What declaration did President Lincoln make about secession?
It was illegal.
Who were the “team of rivals”?
the men Lincoln appointed to his Cabinet
Who was Jefferson Davis?
the president of the Confederacy
Which state was the first to secede from the Union?
South Carolina
In the election of 1860, how did the Democratic Party address the conflict between their northern and southern factions?
The factions chose separate nominees for president.
In the election of 1860, who was the presidential nominee of the Constitutional Union Party?
John Bell
Compare and contrast northern and southern reactions to the attack on Harpers Ferry.
South - Brown and his men were hanged as criminals for their attack on Harpers Ferry. North - many people saw Brown as a martyr to the cause of abolition.
Why were southerners angry at the prospect of organizing the territory west of Minnesota, Iowa, and Missouri into new states?
The Missouri Compromise banned slavery in that territory. Southerners did not want any new free states in the Union.
Which act did the Dred Scott case deem unconstitutional?
the Missouri Compromise
What reason did the judge in the Dred Scott case give for ruling that “members of the negro African race” did not have a right to sue?
They were not actually U.S. citizens.
Who did the Republicans nominate in the presidential election of 1856?
John C. Frémont
Which senator, angered by an antislavery speech, physically attacked another senator?
Preston Brooks
What was the main obstacle to Stephen A. Douglas's proposed Chicago-San Francisco railroad?
The territory was not organized into states.
Which event prompted John Brown’s attack on the Pottawatomie Creek settlement?
the violent proslavery raid in Lawrence, Kansas
the contested elections of the Free-Soil Party
the attack on Senator Charles Sumner
the passing the Kansas-Nebraska Act
How did many plantation owners justify the enslavement of African Americans?
They claimed that African Americans were better off under the care of plantation owners than they would be by caring for themselves.
How did California’s application for statehood upset the Missouri Compromise?
The Missouri Compromise evenly split the number of slave and free states. California would be admitted as a free state, which would tilt the balance
What opinion did southern leaders have about tariffs?
Tariffs helped the North by raising the price of manufactured goods.
Why did some plantation owners present the Ostend Manifesto to the U.S. government?
They wanted Cuba to be a new slave state.
They wanted free African Americans out of the South.
They wanted to pay less for manufactured goods.
They wanted a good relationship with Spain
What was one provision of the Compromise of 1850?
It admitted California as a free state.
It decided all conflicts about slavery
It admitted California as a slave state.
It prohibited slavery in territories won from Mexico.
Which statement describes the situation of free African Americans in the South?
Rights to vote, own property, and travel freely was limited
Encouraged to organize their own churches and schools.
Free African Americans could assemble in large groups.
Free African Americans lived only in the northern states.
What was the Pony Express?
mail service between the East and the West
What was main goal of the Free-Soil Party?
to keep slavery out of new territories and states
to open new states and territories for settlement
to expand slavery into new territories and states
to prevent settlement in new territories and states
What do you call a defense force of soldiers?
a garrison
What was the Crittenden Plan?
a proposal by federal government - would have no power to abolish slavery in the states where it already existed; the Missouri Compromise line moves to Pacific
What was the Confederacy?
the 11 southern states that seceded from the Union to form their own nation, the Confederate States of America
What is to formally withdraw from a nation or organization in order to become independent called?
What do you call a member of the Constitutional Union Party?
a Unionist
What was the Dred Scot Decision?
a Supreme Court decision that African Americans held no rights as citizens and that the Missouri Compromise of 1820 was unconstitutional;
What was the Republican Party?
a political party founded in 1854 by antislavery leaders
What is popular sovereignty?
the idea that the residents of a region or nation decide an issue by voting
What is racism?
the belief that one race is better than others
What is a law enforcement officer who works for the United States government called?
Federal Marshal