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Vocabulary 4

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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1.-The painters are artist for create a beatiful paints
2.-In the world are very paints an every of the paints where made by an artist
1.-Cheer up in always moment its wath i hear in a movie
2.-The brother of the principal charachter always cheer up she
1.-In rock the beats always sound very loud
2.-In rock use guitar
1.-Reggea music have a beat very pleasant
2.-I now about reggae music for youtube
1.-Pop music is old but now is also popular
2.-I love shakira pop music
1.-In tv are many romantic letters
2.-be romantic represent the love of the persons
1.-Soul music have a sad but relax letter
2.-Soul music is very sad to me
1.-When i play with my sister with dolls i feel joyful
2.-When i see some funny movie i joyful
1.-When i see a scary movie they scared me
2.-The dark sometimes scared me
1.-When the persons celebreate something to a person they clap
2.-When i am excited i clap
1.-The composer of this letter muysic are very good
2.-The composer are very ingenius
1.-I can´t open jelly bottle, is impossible
2.-I never gonna be in the top of this building are impossible
1.-When covid are new i are unthinkable
2.-When the teacher say we gonna have exam i am unthinkable
1.-When i feel bad i relax to fell peaceful
2.-My dog is peaceful
1.-With sense i smell flowers
2.-I always have sense active
1.-When i have apresentation i feel anxious
2.-When i have exam i feel anxious
1.-I don´t like the cemetery scary me
2.-I visit some time with my family in the cemetery
1.-The punk people are strange for me
2.-Punk people expressed they pleasure in his body
1.-The persons who do opera are very talent
2.-The opera is burred for me