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Access4_Module 7_Vocabulary Review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A modem is a hardware ......... that allows computer systems to use a telephone line to send information to one another. A task B procedure C device
I enjoy IMAX theaters. The combination of ......... and technology is amazing. A creativity B loyalty C inaction
This microscope has the most ......... lens that you can get. A artificial B fictional C powerful
Don’t you know that it’s ......... to download songs from the Net without paying for them? You could pay a huge fine. A illegal B dishonest C overused
This article is ..................., so you need the writer’s written permission before you can use it in your essay.(chores, properties, emerging, hackers, risks, rights, connect, copyrighted, develop)
The scientific ....................... of metals like gold and silver can be very different.(chores, properties, emerging, hackers, risks, rights, connect, copyrighted, develop))
I have to finish my .................... at home before I can go to the science museum. (chores, properties, emerging, hackers, risks, rights, connect, copyrighted, develop))
Before you buy something through the Internet, make sure you understand what your ................... and responsibilities as an online shopper are. (chores, properties, emerging, hackers, risks, rights, connect, copyrighted, develop)
When using a computer, you don't _______computer systems, _________viruses to destroy systems, ______personal information (do, break into, chat, release, send, access)
break into/ release/ access
7 Brad Pitt’s new movie is well/good worth seeing. 8 Entrance/Permission to the library is free.
7. Well - 8. Entrance
5 Students use the Internet to make/do research for their assignments. 6 Hackers can easily access your personal/ private information such as your home address.
5. Do - 6. personal
3 Keep/Take in mind that taxes are not included in the price. 4 You must follow/take certain security procedures before you enter the White House.
3. Keep/ 4. Follow
1. Helen does/makes basic chores around the house like doing the dishes or dusting the furniture. 2 The resources/sources at school, such as computers and printers, are very useful.
1. does 2. resources
Many people don’t buy CDs any more because they use the Internet to ...................... music.(credit card/download/artificial/double-decker/security/type/ a far/fasten)
You must always ................. your seat belt.(credit card/download/artificial/double-decker/security/type/ a far/fasten)
His new car is ...................... cry from the one he used to have.(credit card/download/artificial/double-decker/security/type/ a far/fasten)
a far
I’m not really fond of computers. I use mine only to ...................... documents. (credit card/download/artificial/double-decker/security/type/ a far/fasten)
Hackers use other people’s ...................... details to buy things online.(credit card/download/artificial/double-decker/security/type/ a far/fasten)
credit card
...................... buses are typical of London.(credit card/download/artificial/double-decker/security/type/ a far/fasten)
Because of the dangers, the airport now has stricter ...................... procedures.((credit card/download/artificial/double-decker/security/type/ a far/fasten)
If a machine has ................... intelligence, it can think like a human being. (credit card/download/artificial/double-decker/security/type/ a far/fasten)
Fill in the blank: 1...................... household tasks 2................. system 3................ cargo 4 ................. instructions (do/cabling/deep-see/load/follow/vacuum)
1. do - 2. cabling - 3. load - 4.follow