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Grammar and Vocabulary

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She __________ (work) on her project tomorrow evening.
She WILL WORK on her project tomorrow evening.
By this time next month, I __________ (travel) to a tropical island for vacation.
By this time next month, I WILL TRAVEL to a tropical island for vacation.
Supportive friends can _ _ _ _u_ _ _ _ you to overcome challenges and achieve your goals.
Supportive friends can ENCOURAGE you to overcome challenges and achieve your goals.
He realized he forgot his passport at home, so he had to (turned back/turn back) to retrieve it before heading to the airport.
He realized he forgot his passport at home, so he had to TURN BACK to retrieve it before heading to the airport.
Past Simple & Past Perfect Simple: She __________ (read) the book after she __________ (buy) it at the bookstore.
She READ the book after she HAD BOUGHT it at the bookstore.
Past Simple & Past Perfect Simple: We __________ (find) the lost keys after we __________ (search) for them for hours.
We FOUND the lost keys after we HAD SEARCHED for them for hours.
Past Simple & Past Perfect Simple: She __________ (finish) her homework before she __________ (watch) TV last night.
She HAD FINISHED her homework before she WATCHED TV last night.
I __________ (play) the piano on Sunday afternoons.
I PLAY the piano on Sunday afternoons.
She ____________ (buy, frequently) detective stories.
She FREQUENTLY BUYS detective stories.
George __________ (teach) English at the university.
George TEACHES English at the university.
Joseph __________ (work) on a new project this week.
Joseph IS WORKING on a new project this week.
She __________ (read) a book at the moment.
She IS READING a book at the moment.
Present Perfect Simple: They __________ (live) in this city for ten years.
They HAVE LIVED in this city for ten years.
Present Perfect Simple: I __________ (never, be) to Asia before.
I HAVE NEVER BEEN to Australia before.
Put the sentence in the correct order with 'used to': Paris / I / speak / fluent / used / French / I / to / lived / when / in.
I used to speak fluent French when I lived in Paris.
In stormy weather, you can hear _______ and see ______.
thunder ... lightning
Arrange the letters in the correct order: poalraene
True or False: A detective's primary job is to deliver mail and packages to people's homes.
Which is not a geographical feature? WATERFALL, LORRY, VALLEY