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Quiz about cats

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Milk is a healthy drink for grown-up cats.
False. Grown-up cats can't drink milk
Cats can drink seawater.
People all over the world think that black cats bring bad luck.
False. In the UK and Australia they are seen as good luck.
Cats only meow as a way to talk with people.
Cats are more popular than dogs in the USA.
The oldest cat in the world was 20 years old!
False. It was 38 years old
Cats like sleeping more than playing games.
This angry cat lives in a house with a mouse. He always wants to eat that mouse but he can't because the mouse is faster and more clever than he. What's the cat's name?
He is a pupil in the daytime and at night he's a superhero. His friend's name is Marinette. Who is he?
Super Cat (Adrian)
This naughty cat is big and fat. He's lazy and smart. What's his name?