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16th Century Spain!

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Who conquered the Inca empire in 1533?
Francisco Pizarro!
Each VICEROYALITY was GOVERNED by a v_____.
What was New Spain?
Mexico and Central America!
Hearings (Audencias) were created for the administration of ______
The administration of the territory of the Indies was organized into TWO viceroyalities: N____ and P_____
New Spain and Peru!
What CAPITAL CITY is Tenochtitlan now?
Mexico City!
What was the Aztec capital?
INITIALLY, how did the Aztects REACT to the arrival of Cortes and his military?
The Aztecs believed they were gods.
______ INHERITED the Netherlands from Carlos I.
Felipe II!
How was Felipe II related to Carlos I? Felipe II is the ____ of Carlos i!
HOW was Fernando I RELATED to Carlos I? Fernando I is the ____ of Carlos I.
Who inherited Brazil and other colonies after the death the king of Portugal?
Felipe II!
In 1580, WHO inherited PORTUGAL because the king had DIED without children?
Felipe II!
Fernando I inherited WHICH part of Carlos I's empire?
The Holy Roman Empire!
In 1556, Carlos I divided his empire between TWO family members: ____ and ____.
Fernando I and Felipe II!
Which PROTESTANT COUNTRY SUPPORTED the uprising AGAINST Felipe II in the Netherlands?
Felipe II faced a REBELLION of the _____ in Granada in 1568.
The Moors!
Problems with Carlos I CAUSED these TWO revolts: The Revolt of the C______ and of the G_______.
The Revolt of the "Comunidades" (Comuneros) and the "Germanias" (Brotherhoods)!
Where was Carlos I born?
He was born and raised in the Netherlands!
Who incorporated the PHILIPPINES and the kingdom of PORTUGAL into his territories? Carlos I or Felipe II?
Felipe II!
Who INHERITED territories in CENTRAL and NORTHERN EUROPE and ITALY? Carlos I or Felipe II?
Carlos I!
After Fernando of Aragon and Isabel of Castilla died, WHO became the new monarch?
Carlos I!