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Vocabulary 4

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Soul: I like the music soul.
My brother don´t like the music soul.
Scared: My brother is scared.
I'm scared.
Peaceful: My grandfather is peaceful.
My sister is very peaceful.
Joyful: My nephew is very joyful.
I am joyful.
Sense: My cousin's sense of smell is strong.
My mom's sense of sight is very good.
Composer: The composer´s are very talented.
I like the composer´s.
Unthinkable: What my cousin says is unthinkable.
I don´t like the unthinkable.
Artist: I love all artists.
I like many artists.
Imagination: I love the imagination
Imagination has no limits.
Cheer up: I like cheer up.
My brother don´t like cheer up.
Cementery: I like the cementery.
For me the cemetery is fun.
Anxious: My brother gets anxious if he can't touch something.
I am a little anxious.
Romantic: My mom and dad are romantic.
I don´t like the romantic.
Clap: I like clap.
It hurts when I clap loud.
Impossible: Flying is impossible.
It is impossible to breathe underwater.
Rock: I don´t like the rock.
The rock is loud.
Reggae: I like the reggae.
My mom don´t like the reggae.
Punk: i don´t like the punk.
The punk is bored.
Pop: My friend likes pop.
I like the pop.
Opera: I don´t like the opera.
My brother like the opera.